Loading data into Python using Spyder
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 5 minQuestions
How do I load my own data into Spyder?
Can load data files into Spyder.
Loading your data
Getting your data into Python using Spyder is the first step to doing something interesting with it. Click both links below to download both datasets.
Place them in a folder (name the folder ‘data’) and change the file permissions of the dataset to read-only. The easiest way to achieve this is to find the document in your file management system, inspect its properties, and apply read-only.
Note: You can also do this through the command line using ‘attrib +r’ for windows or ‘chomd 444’ for linux/mac. This is only recommended if you have prior experience working in the command line.
To load our file, in the console, type:
pip install pandas # if you have not installed pandas before
import pandas as pd
Load the Iris dataset
iris_df = pd.read_csv("data/iris.csv") #depending on os and project setup
This is a simple introduction to getting your data into Python using Spyder. In some cases, there will be significant complications (e.g., many files, large data size, unusual file format, etc.). In cases like this, Python libraries such as glob, pathlib and pandas have tools to help.
Key Points
Loading in the data is just the first step